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All around us are issues that are treading and a glance at it brings us to a fix: DO WE REALLY KNOW OURSELVES? Yes, I think that becomes crucial as the number 1 problem we have in our contemporary world is identity crises. It is identity crises that have made many to exodus into deviant act that has become menace to our society.
Those involved in terrorism, corruption, kidnapping, homosexuality, thuggery and other social vices in the first place lacked self identity coupled with the nonchalant attitude of a failed system. 

As a psychologist and developmental consultant I have come to realize that one of the major problem people begin to experience when they isolate themselves from generally acceptable mode of living and behaviour is attitudinal discrepancy, which make few to begin search for their own self incriminating maxim or imitate others. That is when you hear folks saying this is my own way of doing things and when asked for reason why it is so they have no concrete reasons, may be they’ve observed one doing such so they follow suit.
Your identity in life associates you with your creator who in His own way formed you the exact image He desired. 

This is the brand you are created with at birth, IT IS YOUR PROOF OF ACCESS TO FULFILLMENT AND GREATNESS NO ONE CAN ROB YOU OFF EXCEPT YOURSELF!! God’s creative process in the beginning had configured a default setting in us and that serves as the seed deposited in every human to nurture and service for humanity consumption. It won’t be a crime to emphatically state here that EVERY HUMAN ARE DIVINELY WIRED TO OFFER AND SELL A PRODUCT KNOWN AS PURPOSE. 

Our gift is the identity that defines our purpose, also what attracts others to us is our gifting… “a gift gets attention; it buys the attention of eminent people”. Kind of confused with the latter statement, simply put “a man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men”. Notice, it didn’t say a man’s possession, academic prowess, connection. Inasmuch I’m a lover of academics yet it is not a guarantee for one’s success rather it is just added advantage to boost one’s gift.

Truths exist that a product is manufactured to provide a solution, has an expiring date, is much more useful inasmuch it has not complete its shelve and is a value added service; these however are true of human. Human is a product that is manufactured by God for the essence of proffering solutions which is value added service and as such still useful once it has not completed its shelf – it has not expired. Once you can see yourself in this picture then you can operate in bigger understanding of what life holds for you.

There are many faces to one’s identity but it is only ONE face that points to the indicator where the real identity is. The real identity can in essence give birth to other faces which are subdivision to the central which is the main focus. It is until you get to the central spot before it can be said that you’ve contacted your domain zone – purpose, anything short of this is still gimmick or child play. As it is my usual act I do ask my clients during every personal branding session I facilitate these 4 salient questions which are tips for self discovery. Not only does responses to these questions helps in personal branding but it also help individual to define the kind of career and business they will be involve in. The questions are:

1.      Who am I?
2.      What do I have capacity for?
3.      What can I do effortlessly through my inner strength?
4.  What problem am I willing to solve without awaiting compensation or credits from people? 

With your identity you can determines your brand’s crucial selling points and get involved in the marketing process where you expedite work action on your means of exchange which depicts the value or services you’ve got to offer. Identify your IDENTITY TODAY AND STOP BEING A GENERATIONAL THIEF THAT STEALS WHAT BELONGS TO POSTERITY BY ABUSING YOUR PURPOSE. Be original just as God originally created you.

Human development Consultant

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