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I love the word ‘dominion’ not because dominion publishing house or Domino Shopping mall exist somewhere in Lagos, Nigeria. In same manner I love the word ‘marketplace’. If there is some much I cherish about these words is the contextual meaning both possesses as it daily defines and influence my life assignment. Dominion in its pure Greek form “RADAH” is rule with authority. Still put, the right and power to govern or control. What a concept that set me on track that in my sphere of influence – marketplace I solely have the mandate to rule with full authority even without the tool of politics… I’m now become the Executive governor that should be in charge of my realm of dominance.

Every human by default setting had been created to be a king over a domain, and your domain is the content design inherent in each individual.
This design simply connotes your assignment, purpose, gifting in life (thereafter used interchangeably).  First thing you need to know is that DOMINION IS A MINDSET. The right of authority placed upon your life is not to dominate over your fellows but to dominate over the marketplace with influence that goes beyond your reach flowing to humanity. Hence, the marketplace is described in seven (7) words as the mountain of influence: Family; Education; Government; Business; Media; Arts & Entertainment and Religion. These are the influence point that individual must identify to know where their placement falls.

If you so desire to make positive impacts in life, you must be willing to business or trade with the content design divinely endowed to you. This is not necessarily going to shopping mall to start selling. But the exact word used for business here is to occupy yourself in your own spot of domain – content design. A purposeful human is a potential business mogul that always trade with their content design by living it, you can be rest assured that once you begin to live your purpose you either actively involved in the “work” placement where lies your satisfaction that goes beyond possessions not job which you do all because of so called monthly salary. This is a secret I want to share with you: what you get paid for whenever you are involved in your life assignment (work) is maximum satisfaction and rest not the money even though money comes with it.

Trading or business is the ability to enhance value with the tool of your content design through fair exchange. The world is a marketplace, at every point individual is either involved in buying someone else product or selling their personalized refined product of content design. No one has got reason to excuse themselves from trading, till we breathes our last we still be caught up in the cobweb of trading. Your content design (purpose) gives birth to your business brand. Until you fall in love with your purpose you will never discover the kind of business brand that match your fit. Forget if you are already involved in one business brand and many headlong achievements have been made without first discovering the content design. Perhaps that is a missed call!

Here is how you know if you are in charge of your sphere of influence: there is means of exchange you cultivate rightly manufactured to solve humanity problem. So once you get involved in a proactive ways of solving problem, you begin to exercise your dominion mandate and subsequently overtime you become authority that will always be reckon with all because you are a problem solver. 

In essence if I offer you a product or services, monetary gain is being transferred to me the service provider in return as I have met your required problem by solving it. The logic behind every fair business exchange is the service provider living clients or customer happier by solving their problem through solution package and as return the service provider is being made wealthier, this absolutely is the secret to dominion in the marketplace. And it also defines your value. At every point in time you are either dominating your sphere or your sphere is dominating you, that is the idea for daily winning in life. 

Emmanuel  ABIONA,
Brand-Strategist Consultant

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