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Each morning dawn comes with fresh air and breeze of hope to unleash its strength. Its current is as strong such that no power except darkness can hinder its flow due to the indwelling darkness that still gloom amidst its experience.
It reminds me of the experience that occurred in the creation process where what was prevalent in the earth we now resides in was 100% darkness and without form. The trend then was darkness ruling with the exception of light. I wondered how the whole scene will look like but definitely it will be appalling for it to have captured the attention of the grand masterpiece – God. His intervention stepped in light that brought distinction just by proclamation of a statement…LET THERE BE LIGHT!!  

However, what happened then is not exception of what is currently trending in our world today. Darkness is fast glooming in sphere of influence but yet no or little light exist to distinctively make a just-noticeable-difference (JND) – a psychological term. If God was to physically visit our world today, I know for sure He will be disappointed at what is currently trending as darkness. His bone of contention will be the refusal of His being to reflect (if not much but little) light He has deposited in them. How fierce darkness may be, all it need is just a little dot of light that will triggers a difference. The keypad light on your handset phone will certainly illuminate your dark room in the night whenever power supply is interrupted, that is the measure of how our light needs shine in every dark situation we found ourselves. 

We try our best to fix the dilapidated structure and systems without first making change on ourselves, the light that will shine in our sphere of influence must first shine in us before transcending to others and systems. The constant supply and shine of transformation in us will be contagious once it triggered a positive influence or force in us that can be imitated by the watching society. 

LIGHT ATTRACTS DARKNESS THROUGH ITS RADIANT SHINE, as the only language and signal darkness recognizes is light. Arrival of light to dark spots does not make a noisy sound rather it simply performs its function – illumination to the affected spot where darkness looms. The fact that many problems have grown its root in our world implies that we who ought to be the light that will solve them have activated the sleeping mode. One thing I have stopped doing is complaining without having remedy at hand, if you see me complain it means I have discovered better ways of doing what have been my complaint. So rather than complain, let your light attracts because complaints without palliative actions amounts to nothing less than darkness that keeps prevailing. 

Friends, its set time much is required from us to aglow and SHINES as agent of light. It is our reflect point – lifestyle and character that will determine the tenacity of the light effect we carries capable of speaking into every injustices, decadence prevalent in our society. Little wonder our personal brand must be groomed and developed, this is the selling point that announces the intensity of light individuals have got to shine. 

Never feel obsess with how insignificant your light may be, just keeping shinning it certainly come one day it will surely yield a productive result. Much time is needed for transformation to take place as it doesn’t occur in a split second but gradually through continuum process it comes bear. A butterfly takes many forms of process before it completes the metamorphosis stages, same is ours experience. 

Lets S.H.I.N.E – Show His Image and Natural Endowment as agent of light.  I conclude this piece with the submission of an ancient Prophet, Isaiah:
“Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you, rise to a new life! Shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!”

Human developmental Consultant

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