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Thought that love is only expressed on such day like today’s celebration,
Then I never knew I was in for doom.
Little did I realized that love is a lifestyle
that involve running-off together with human race.
Its such a continuum of expression, feeling to those within and without,
a practical elopement from lust to a true nature… LOVE.

In one of my leisure mood, I reminisced and discovered
that the moments I've ever lived are those spent in the spirit of love,
not how much I do but how much love I put into the doing that matters.
It involves merriment in mine and people’s weakness and strength,
empathy to share in and stay in touch with infirmities beyond mine.
A staying with and agreement with people,
not only opposite sex, but of all sexes.

Also in my state of reminisces, two scholars wisdom piece came to limelight
“Love is the true means by which the world is enjoyed:
our love to others, and others’ love to us”------Thomas Trahern
“we find rest in those we love, and we provide a resting place
in ourselves for those who love us”------ Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
These nuggets I find delight in and I daily cogitated on it.

What a sweet fragrance that I can be a lover to human race,
And express my love for them all along life’s journey;
One who’s all productive, fruitful that people longs to have a company with,
a role model that is worlds to people.
I believe that this love can grows brighter by the day only through giving,
The love I give away is the only one that is kept and span to posterities.

Tramping through the countryside,
Sleeping at some wayside inn,
Rising early and listening to bird-song,
Looking for wildflower in bloom, blackberry bushes blossoming white,
Fruit trees festooned with cascading ornaments of flowers,
Love apples drenching with fragrance,
Fertility surrounding and suffusing  all through my nerves;

All these are love I  have kept and saved
Which I must not only give myself
but to nurture the universe that has been committed to my trust,
even beyond the February 14th syndrome
…preserving it to outlive the times.

“Hang my locket around your neck,
Wear my ring (my signal for authority) on your finger”
Will not only sound good to only my lover
but to human race scattered all over the globe
‘cause my love is invincible amidst danger and death.

I’ll be a flood of water that can’t  drown love,
torrents of rain that can’t be put out
to all that I meet in the marketplace of life.

I will render true love cos I’ve know its true nature:
Love dilapidates rooms of fear,
It well-formed nature banishes fear;
Love endures indifferences,
Like a lamp
 it needs to be fed out of the oil of another heart or its flame burns low.

We, though, are going to love and be loved beyond today’s funfair
I know I was first loved by a supreme being,
Who doesn’t only love me by virtue of valentine day
but an everlasting love treaties has He for His creatures.

Only if we can get it right,
We’ll know that everyday is an opportunity
 to put on valentine treaties to those we meet in our lives.

Hey pal, celebrate the season from a well-tutored perspective
Not from erroneous view where we see the season
as an golden break to caress, gratify sexual desires and other social ills.

See to it that the season is spent on
showing and expressing love to those whom we love
not only the opposite gender but all genders
‘cause we are made to put smile on creatures,
express agape love to those within and outside our reach
…that’s the idea behind valentine day.

Let your love not bring contempt,
Rather let it goes deep through the soul of mankind.
Let the kisses makes human race heart beat,
Feel complete with the chocolate for human race,
Embrace them with your warmth hugs,
Make the roses and teddy bears reach out to the lovesick patients.
Let your love for others grows,
And let it outlast valentine day.

Strategist/ Developmental Consultant 

Twitter: @ emmanuel_abiona

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