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All through the ages,
I’ve grown with the mentality that
Love is lust and love is an expression of the facial beauty.
What a wrong conception that I gurgled with over the time,
Then this multifaceted and unresolved question arose:
What is love?

I consulted many media,
and I realized that love is beyond the scope we’ve seen it from.
The first thing that count when it comes to love
is having a lasting relationship with God ‘cause He’s love.
My affection for God and man goes a long mile
to explain the concept of love with which I gurgled with.

Our love for fellow mankind tends to pass through the mechanism
of loving a supreme being who first loved us and shed His blood for our healthy living.
The agape love gave birth to filial, romantic love that’s beyond lust.

God’s kind of love never gives up amidst adversity,
Is more passionate and empathetic towards others,
Doesn’t possess a want rather a need,
Is never strut, never possess a swelled head,
Love… is never forced to rape or commit sexual atrocities with the opposite beings,
Is never my-my syndrome,
It consider others first before self,
Love never keeps the tragic track records of others anomalies,
It takes pleasure in flowering the truth.

Love that’s beyond lust always looks for the best,
It never looks back, hold back good things from others
 but keeps persevering to the end.

Trust that I’ve never seen God physically,
But I know that in my mere love and right dealing with man
I can perceive Him dwelling deeply within me,
And His love becomes complete in me… I mean His perfect love becomes flesh.

These attributes attest that agape love is far beyond lust,
It’s not a once upon time love
Rather it’s a love that is experienced anew at the break of each day.
This succinctly explained the damage that His Son ‘Jesus’ came to amend,
By reconciling us back to the original concept of love
that’s beyond lust.

Now I realized that I don’t have to get it wrong
Even in festive periods such as today celebration “Valentine Day”
I know it’s divine opportunity to express love
for the lost, less privileged, orphans and Christ’s body.
Alas I know that in my daily dealings,
My relationship with God and man should never be shortchanged.

hey buddies, lets go out there and express God’s own love.
Don’t let the lustful enjoyments of the day deprives your sexual sanity,
Celebrate the season in God’s own way…that’s the idea for the season.

Strategist/ Developmental Consultant
 Twitter: @emmanuel_abiona


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