THE UNSWERVING FAITH – Olarubofin Oluwatosin Esther

Copyright © 2012, Olarubofin Oluwatosin Esther. All rights reserved.

Let me start by saying faith is putting all your eggs in God’s basket and counting your blessings before they hatch. Living by faith is far better than merely fulfilling rituals and rules; therefore we should challenge ourselves daily to grow in faith and to live in obedience to Christ.
Do you remember how you felt when you were young and your birthday approached, you were excited and anxious. You know you would certainly receive gifts and other special treats! However, some things would come as a surprise too.Birthdays combine assurance and anticipation and so does faith! Faith is the confidence based on past experience that God’s new and fresh surprises will surely be ours.

The beginning point of faith is; believing God’s character: He is who He says he is. The end point is, believing in God’s promises: He will do what He says. When we believe that God will fulfill His promises even though we don’t see those promises materializing yet we demonstrate true faith because by His word the world was framed through faith.
Faith is confident trust in God’s promises and God’s greatest promise is that we can be saved through Jesus. Faith enables believers to face trials; therefore we must strive to inculcate lifestyle of faith because it brings victory in our trials.
Do not pray for easy lives but pray to be stronger men, do not pray for task equal to your power but ask for power equal to your task; remember, there is accumulation of  necessary strength to carry out the God given task. Provision awaits any assignment entrusted to our care by God. After all, Scripture recorded that “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
In another instance it was observed in the scripture by Paul the Apostle that “…the just shall live by faith.” Hence, Faith is not trying to believe something regardless of evidence but faith is doing something regardless of the consequence.
The reason why so little is accomplished generally is because so little is attempted. Take note; never say never; for you to be big in life, you have to think big. What is “the impossible”? The impossible is what nobody can do until someone does it. You cannot tap the resources of God until you attempt the impossible because faith releases the miraculous.
Living faith makes a difference, make sure your faith is more than just a statement; it should also result in action. Seek ways of putting your faith to work.
Risk is part of God’s plan, progress in life always involves risk, and he who does not dare will never get his share. Faith is the incentive for great achievements, when you dare nothing, you should hope for nothing.

***Olarubofin Oluwatosin Esther is a writer and poet that have many spoken and print works to her credit. She can be contacted via this link

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