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Lets continue with our series on this thoughtline, you can CLICK Here to read series 1. We live in dispensation where our strength and power will fail us, but we can count on His power to strengthen our fallible strength. In Him alone, we find new strength. When is the qualifying time for this new release of strength?  The appropriate time is if there’s acknowledgement of weakness, weariness in the spirit realm, when you feel you amount to nothing without Him. That is the crucial moment of God’s Kairos time to energizes a tired you and give fresh strength to a dropout you. It’s easier for God to fill an empty you than a filled you.

And what happened if strength has come, you begin to soar high and run in sphere of influence. Scripture said “But those who wait for the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up  as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.” Isaiah 40:31 amp.

How is the experience like while still waiting!

1.  There is a rub-off (transfer) of God’s strength to revive you the patient that has worn out strength in form of exhaustion and weakness. You know how you feel when you get alert of money transfer not laundering from one’s account to your own bank account.
2.  God will demand whatever is in your hand which’s seed He’ll multiple. Seed here is not that of  monetary but your gifting, callings and purpose. Every seed has potentiality of multiplying to become forest. Just look at the vastness of a forest, you begin to reproduce in kinds. It implies that every of your endeavours becomes productive thereby yielding dividends and returns.
3.  Your feeble kneel possess ability to rise above difficulties like an eagle that soar into the sky. 
4.  Your spirit-man is active and sensitive to receive signal for direction and instruction from the source terminal HOLY SPIRIT. Stop coming to His presence rather dwell (live) constantly in His presence. Don’t join folks that sing “there is something that makes me coming into your presence my helper…” He seek for those who will daily (24/7) pitch their tent in His presence to mediate, inquiry and behold His glory.
5. While still waiting the breath of the Almighty is giving you access to ‘Sophia’ (Greek word for wisdom) that makes insight into reality possible. The inner mind is being energized and reinforced to acquire knowledge and skill by studying, meditating and getting the necessary training that keeps it growing younger in wisdom. Humn, I heard someone said but I don’t have resources to finance this. The truth is that provision will divinely be supplied to facilitate those aspects ‘cause there is a willingness in your inner mind to grow by understanding the books as Daniel did.
6.  There’s accumulation of strength, a walking feet/life becomes a running feet/life that can move beyond the fainting level. Energy is boosted up. Simply put: fainting is losing expectation of a desirable change. 
7. You are being yielded to His control and influence…the weaker you get, the stronger you become via release of His power. Creflo Dollars once observed: Every move of God is borne of His spirit and power. What a strong and profound statement!
8. Active mode is activated for there is a transition from “sleeping mode to active mode” where response ability is harnessed. 
9. Capacity to contain God’s spirit, His increase and expansion in sphere of influence is released. God now becomes a secret not to be kept; doors of opportunities are opened for you to go places with realities of His truth and kingdom.
10. Tenacity to persist continually in the Labour (or groaning) room – prayer is divinely endowed to you. A fainting, weak prayer life now soar to make tremendous power dynamic in its working available “Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.” Romans 8:26 Msg
11. Unlike the pregnant woman who got diminished during pregnancy, we get enlarged in our waiting room. The longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy is.

12. Our difficult moment of pain now yields strength in us ‘cause His Spirit is daily arousing us to the process of adaptation with light affliction that is just for a moment.

God’s power is made available at our disposal to divinely empower us to run the race apportioned to us. GOD IS WILLING TO EMPOWER YOU THAN YOU ARE WILLING TO BE DIVINELY EMPOWERED!

Emmanuel  ABIONA,
Brand-Strategist Consultant

*** Culled from TEACHING SESSION facilitated by EMMANUEL ABIONA in February 2012 Monthly CROSSOVER NIGHT of Anglican Corpers Fellowship of Nigeria (ACFON) Akwa Ibom State Chapter.

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