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Hi, glad to have secured your rapt attention. I began a series on redefined toolbox for generating business capital, you can check the archive HERE. In stream 1, I gave three basic capital that is readily available to every start up or emerged entrepreneurs. The first capital which is time, the second idea and the third networking.Today i continue with the other remaining business capital.
And now the fourth capital which is the LAW OF START-NOW. Your business is your capital.
This is powerful as it states that you can start any business immediately with what you have and where you are. You will never realize the height you can attain until you take bold step to start that business idea. How hard or anyhow it might look just start because you never know the number of people carrying the same idea with yours. If you don’t start someone may start and you might not have access to it again unless you redefined it through creativity.
Despise not the days of little beginning, for in it is the big shot. The little progress you see in your business counts much as it culminates to bigger heights. Don’t forget in a hurry that it is the sum total of first, second and third term secondary school result that culminate for the position of the session. So the little success you have formed the basis for the success you see when the business has grown. Don’t procrastinate as this is a termite that has eaten deep many businesses that fails to start. As a start up entrepreneur, your start by first rendering free services to your clients. This free service is what you can afford that would not cost you loss.
The capital of laying-off all your liabilities. There are many stuff in our possessions that we don’t need, we just accumulate them as ‘want’ not ‘need’. This principle states that you get rid of those ‘wants’ by selling them. If you have any stuff in your possession and you have not make use of it for the past 6, 9months or 1 year dispose them through selling. Of what need will it be that all you have in your hand are not what you need for your daily living? Stop buying wants; rather invest into buying your needs. The last time you wear that shoe was in 2010 for a social function, I advised that you sell it immediately and plunge the money into that dreamed business or idea. You’ve complained for so long that no money to run that business and in your custody are many properties that you don’t need, why the waste and complain when you can lay them off through selling. How do you sell those properties?
Simply let people know that you want to dispose some properties through selling to those interested or those who can help you in advertising to others through words in their mouth. Another way you can sell those properties which I have also employed in the past is advertising it by taking picture of it and posting it on the pages of your social network site such as Olx, Kaymu, facebook, twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Blogs, wikis et'al. You may think there is no need for this, but you wouldn’t know those who still need those properties who may want to purchase it from you. Ford Car Company made sales worth billions of dollars of a 2011 car model through their facebook page advert.
– Emmanuel ABIONA,
Human Capital Advisor
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