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Hello MOST ESTEEMED ONE, thank you for joining Live in Day 3 Stream of "INHERITANCE - the father's heart" series. It's been a great privilege to have come into the comfort of your precious moment over the past 2days this series started and now the 3rd day. However, should you miss any of the stream kindly visit Day 1 Stream and Day 2 Stream. Our today discuss take on new shape as we talk on a key principle that help us pass on good pattern to generations, it's called the POWER OF SERVICE. This is one element that will extend our pattern for living beyond us.
default, every human are born to SERVE. Hum, caught you in the nap perhaps you
think I’m talking of serving coffee tea right! Not so, the component part of
our service point is with the tool of our gift which we earlier talked on in
Day 2 stream. Simply put, service is like fitting the peg right into the
It’s serving out from what you have for the benefit of others because our gifting or purpose is not for us but for sole ownership of humanity. If you want to be relevant in this generation and beyond, you must bring yourself down to the point people can assess you for every details of life. When we talk of service, we don't mean you go around looking for people to help serve maybe their dishes or whatever menial need they have. To serve means to use the tool of your gift in solving problem.
It’s serving out from what you have for the benefit of others because our gifting or purpose is not for us but for sole ownership of humanity. If you want to be relevant in this generation and beyond, you must bring yourself down to the point people can assess you for every details of life. When we talk of service, we don't mean you go around looking for people to help serve maybe their dishes or whatever menial need they have. To serve means to use the tool of your gift in solving problem.
we begin living a purposeful life then we can say of a fact that we are in the
act of service cause it is never an activity but an act. The problem we can
solve with our personal brand – gift, purpose give room for the service point
of how we serve humanity. Problem solved today determine how we become relevant
in the heart of those whom we solve their problem, it goes beyond now and span
to generation. I don't get to know those whom my father served but I keep
hearing the good news of how he has served those he served even beyond the
reach of where he has ever been in life. Service has a way of transporting the
good news beyond our reach.
cause are you sold out to? The cause you are sold out to becomes the service
point where you can serve your generation. Every opportunity that daily comes your way in
which you can be poured out as solution to problem have potential of building
our ability to serve humanity. You can't commit yourself to meeting the need of
others through service and yet nothing changed about your life. It just makes
you grow stronger into reaching out to heart of humanity. Let our Nigeria government know today that service
goes beyond 365days stipulated for compulsory National service year, service is
not separated as a part from the whole. It's a daily activity we do even if we
don't have mean of higher education.
connector chain that link us to generations is service to humanity, it extend
out into the heart of humanity. Service to humanity is a mindset that makes us
see every dawn of a new day as service point where we serve out our lot to
others we meet along the pathway of life fulfillment. As we conclude today’s
stream, let it be known to our generations that the more problem we solved the
more service we serve to our generation and the more it makes posterity gains
more access into how we’ve been used in our dispensation. A motor car will
always bounce back to life each time you service it, the more service you
service a car the more useful it become for you. So also the more service you
serve others, the more referral it brings to you and the more energy it
utilized in keep serving. This span beyond your dispensation because those that
come behind you will always hear of the news.

each opportunity you have to serve as essential commodity because it shoot you
up the ladder of life. Keep at it without having the entitlement mentality of
what to get back as compensation or payback, somehow it always have a means of
paying you back in good measures of life. The greatest servant of all said “he
that want to become the chief of all must first be servant”. As a leader, you
are not there as boss or oga @the top; you are there as the servant of all and
subordinate of all. Your leadership is just a function of the responsibilities
attach to you. If you must truly serve, then you must be responsible to work
ethic. For you to think service without work is to think of laziness. What has
been committed to your care in which you must be responsible to? That is your
service point!
for stopping bye to join us Live as our SPECIAL ONLINE GUEST in day 3 stream of
the "INHERITANCE - the father's heart" series, your audience is mostly
appreciated. Looking forward to still have your attention come tomorrow
Thursday 11th September 2014, same web channel. Remember, you are BORN TO SERVE
HUMANITY…bye for now!
NB: ‘INHERITANCE – the father’s
heart’ is now archived and Live on www.twitter.com/emmanuel_abiona and www.facebook.com/AbionaEmma
– emmanuel
+(234) 809-944-8795
BBM Pin: 7F41764F
+(234) 809-944-8795
BBM Pin: 7F41764F
If you need to contact Emmanuel Abiona
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