INHERITANCE – the father’s heart (#Day 1 Stream)

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Hello my ESTEEMED Reader, glad to have secured little of your moment out of the tight schedule you have. I must be the happier one to have that privilege. It is true we all want to pass on good virtue of legacy to generation behind us and the upcoming generationNext, but how do we intend with seriousness of heart to make this a reality? Based on this aspect is the prompting that led the Marketplace Strategist, Emmanuel Abiona in partnership with WEALTHBROOK Brand (a Human Development Firm) to present an online transformational legacy building series “INHERITANCE – the father’s heart” from Monday 8th to Friday 12th September 2014, Live on this blog and other 2 online channels: twitter @emmanuel_abiona and Facebook @AbionaEmma. 

Today we begin the series by laying on a good foundation on the concept of Inheritance. Every true heart of the father or parent is to see that their generation history (story) has an extension of a good legacy for their children. No one deserve to die without passing on something of relevance and value to their generation and generation yet unborn.  The substance that stay beyond our living in life is the quality of what we get passed on to others and posterity which had already have a stake in us before transferring its wealth.
Anything that has to do with only a function of material possessions or acquisition can't be termed inheritance, it goes beyond the fact. Inheritance will have a great meaning and larger picture if it is seen within the confine of a good legacy that gives the individuals concerned pattern for living even after the demise of the inherited. We all have seen some wealthy family pass on their wealth to their children as inheritance and yet few years down the line same children are become impoverished and wealth passed on as inheritance is nothing but a stale story. This is so because inheritance without good foundational pattern given to children are not strong to be tied as inheritance. Food for thought! If material possession is soon exhausted, what become of the children?

What our present generation is in dire need of is an extension of the right ethics to life and work, teach us how to work and see life in its greater picture then we'll be happy that something of lasting relevance and impact is passed on to us as a legacy and inheritance; even though material possessions are not involved. This will give us a clear cut definition of what inheritance we ought to pass on to generation behind us and posterity. Before passing on material possessions as inheritance, first tutor them on how they could live life in its right sense and how they too can create wealth by mean of work which you’ve done yielding return of investment for you, and how they too can do beyond the ones you’ve done. 

Dad, Mum listen to us! The component part of what we'll want from you as inheritance is the right ethic and pattern for living not material possessions, give us these demand and be rest assured we'll in return use it to generate material possessions for ourselves and have more lasting deposits of impact to pass on to generation behind us and generationNext. Already this is the basics of what we're redefining as inheritance which our generation will pass on to others.

Though my father is dead, but I’m still the most happier and fulfilled in life due to the impactful investment he has made in my life not for the possessions he gave me. At every point in life, we all are writing our story line which generations must act on. What you write on is what gets acted out as script to generations behind. Get on the pathway of fulfillment and watch how you advance the ladder of life, what get stocked in you will be deposit of inheritance you pass on. 

Whatever has beginning in you will have an end in the generation that comes after you, let it not start and end with you. The right direction nurtured for yourself and is yielding dividend, should pass on to others by leading them in same pathway of mentorship. My generation is tired of crusades, revivals that lead nowhere. All we need is revival of the mind where great things get start up. History without good story to pass on is failure to humanity, whatever things that doesn’t go after your demise is bound to fail right in your presence.

That’s the size of our pack for YOU on day 1 of ‘INHERITANCE – the father’s heart’, join us tomorrow Tuesday 9th September 2014 for yet another eye opening edition same blog, same page and same channel. Remember, the pathway you chart for yourself becomes the pathway you pass over as a baton to generationNEXT.

NB: ‘INHERITANCE – the father’s heart is archived and Live on and

 emmanuel   ABIONA
+(234) 809-944-8795
BBM Pin: 7F41764F

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