"I'm not getting younger by the day but getting older by dawn of each new day", this I told myself some couple of years back. The step I could not take ages past can now be taken by me which shows a little drop of water can make mighty the ocean. This taught me great lesson of how seemingly a small step can be in turning to some worth of greatness.
The word of Helen Keller comes to mind: "I long to accomplish a great and noble task but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble". Great word from a great mind, responsibility lies in turning smaller shot to bigger shot. It's a function of response to ability inherent and external of us. Response to ability will make what many sees as small substance to survive down the line in becoming greatest story that could put the world in track.
A famous Physician, Dr. Luke in his writing once noted that "he who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much." Little things we show much diligence and faithfulness to, distinguishes us for greater things in life which often comes with being entrusted bigger responsibilities. Never will bigger things come into our hand if we've not been prudent with little stuffs.
Often time as an Entrepreneurship Consultant, I do train my ESTEEMED CLIENTS on the 'Think Big, Start Small' Principle as this imply that you've the big picture in mind but you start small in making sure it comes to reality. Waiting for the ship of the big picture to arrive without necessary measures of work will paralyze your initiative and though pattern as it will not arrive.But as you step out in the day to start with what you have, you'll realize day in, day out it's falling into limelight if peradventure you ain't lazy in its work.
The journey in the path of life will make you start small and don't ever be afraid to start small as there is potency in little beginnings. Here's the catch: you're permitted to start small and never permitted to remain small.
DON'T DESPISE THE BEGINNING OF LITTLE THINGS, THOUGH ITS BEGINNING MIGHT BE SMALL BUT IT MUST GROW THROUGH THE LINE OF INCREASE." Roll with what you have if it can be rolled with and not with what is not in your custody. Doors of opportunities is always hidden in what we have and not what we don't have.
Bye for now till I come your way on same blog with another appetizer, but never forget that GREATER THINGS START FROM SMALL STUFF.
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