In life we all have opportunity of carrying as many as possible people as our friend without they necessarily adding value to us. Hence, often time we find among our luggage excess baggage which in essence we don't need. Mystery behind every excess baggage imply you shed-off every unwanted baggages that weigh more than the one we required for each journey, else you pay extra fee for the excess baggage. So also this comes to play out in our daily relationship with people.
One of the way to maintain a meaningful and result oriented relationship is to shed-off some relationship we have with people which has got no value to add.
Those friendship relationship slows us down on our pathway to fulfillment. As time goes bye, we realise that those friendship are uncalled for and irrelevant to the climax point of stardom we are attaining. You further owe those unfruitful relationship or friendship no obligation than to part way with them in good fate wishing them well in their endeavours and move yourself in forward direction towards furtherance pursuit of your life's assignment.
Still keeping in touch with those folks will take you no further place than where you are presently, stagnant in position and complacent with status quo. Every of our friendship relationship must always be defined par time weighing its core value either it is significantly increasing us positively or negatively decreasing us. I end this piece with one of John Mason thought:
"friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you, will eventually decrease you".
A great weekend treats to YOU ALL.
If you need to contact Emmanuel Abiona
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