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Feel so elated with much joy to welcome GREAT PEOPLE to the Day-1 of ever awaited Online SOCIAL RE-ENGINEERING PROJECT (S.R.P), proudly supported by Wealthbrook Brand (a human development firm). For the next 30 days, insights and thoughts on leadership, personal branding, entrepreneurship, nation building and lots more will be shared on this platform.

All around there is a pessimistic feeling in the air as to why our nation Nigeria still remains same even with the transformation agenda in process, yet the 53rd anniversary of the country does not warrant celebration and is uncalled for among the citizenries. Truth remains that our pains as individuals, society and nation is drastically on the increase. Greater exploits always has a seed in pains that need to be cultivated to birth tremenduous stride of achievements.

A walk to the cities,town do paint a picture in its real context that:
"a nation does not exist without the collection of a group of people living within her territory". True to this implies that no nation grows without the active role of individuals who lives within her walls and territory, these individuals are the tool which should serve as shareholders to nation building not only the selected few who are our elected and appointed leaders. 
The government is we the citizens not a structural concept, having it at the back of our mind will make us adopt a positive thinking towards how deliberate we should live in times and season such as this. If our leaders fail, it's because they have imbibed wrong philosophy of life when they are among us.

The government can't deliver effectively until we the citizenries develops and cultivates the right mindset for active participation in making our society a great terrain where peace, justice and truth shall reign...IT'S NOT ONLY IN THE HANDS OF SELECTED FEW, NATION BUILDING IS OUR COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY.

BON 53rd ANNIVERSAIRE to our Great Nation "NIGERIA". Though she might still have her issues but better time are here, NOW IS THE FUTURE WE CAN MAKE IT RIGHT!!
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE to Great People, Great Nation.

Human Development Consultant

NB: Social Re-engineering Project (S.R.P) will be live daily on, from October 1st - 31st, 2013 with insighhtful and thoughtful posts. 
...Make it a date with us as WE GET IT RIGHT IN  OUR OWN DISPENSATION!!!

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