Much can be achieved through positive means of our handiwork. Everyone has got something meaningful by default to offer their sphere of influence, society and world. We are not born as a misfit or liability to our society, until we see ourselves in the larger picture of our functioning before we can begin to see the linking spot where our deposits are needed.
It is not everything you are required to do but there is something special to us which is required from us to do. The hands that gets dirtier in going extra mile is the hand that can till and harvest the dividends. With each individuals default setting we can make a good cause for our living and that of our society.
John D. Rockefeller have this to say:
“I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living”. LETS GET BACK TO THE BASICS!!
NB: S.R.P is social responsibility initiative of WEALTHBROOK Brand (Human Development Firm) and is Live daily on this page, and from October 1st - 31st, 2013. Make it a date with us daily.
If you need to contact Emmanuel Abiona
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Tel: +(234)809-944-8795, BBM Pin: 7F41764F