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It is true in our contemporary world that everyone wants to be a leader but not everyone can give what it takes to become a leader. When asked “do you want to be a leader?” everyone is posed to giving a resounding answer Yes to the question, but not everyone are prepared to be a leader. Growing up as a child is always full of hallucinatory imagination – I want to become a doctor, engineer, banker, or whatever. But as the child grows up little will they realize that what they intend to become is only full of imagination not reality because they begin to discover the kind of career that matches up their interest or ability later on in life. So the question does not lie in what you want to become but what you can in essence become in life.
Most failure our contemporary leaders experience in leadership position does not stem from their inability to lead rather their problem starts from inability to first lead themselves by gaining mastery over the control of daily living. You can start leading effectively in life by first leading your personal brand, not until you are in charge of people.
Once you can start from yourself and people can see how effective you are, they willingly surrender to your influence; that is the viewpoint where impact becomes visible. 

Here are 5 salient truths about leadership:
1.      Leadership has ever been that of a standpoint of influence not affluence where the individuals first lead themselves effectively before leading others. Simply put: Leadership is leading without title and the person you can ever lead successfully in life is YOURSELF not group of people. It's when distinguished as a leading people in our personal brand before we can have the mantle of leadership over group of people. So don't ever seek for people to lead, seek for YOURSELF TO LEAD. 

2. The act of leadership is an attitude of service to humanity that comes with responsibilities and empowerment. Response to abilities that lie within set the individuals apart as leaders who can lead effectively in sphere of influence and empower others in developing their skills and knowledge through the use of their personal brand. In essence, a leader does not just stop at empowering themselves but goes that point into empowering others. 

3. Leadership in her larger context is not a function of age factor but a matured mind. Growth never paints us as being matured due to age factor because it only spelt out our physical or natural development. The concept of maturity defines how we could figure out good reasoning along thought line and handle effectively things that pertain to life. 

4. Ability to control yourself before having lead to control others determines how effective your personal leadership can be. Leadership starts from our individual self, HE WHO CAN’T GOVERN HIMSELF CAN’T GOVERN A CITY, STATE OR NATION. How resolute you are in controlling your emotion can determine how you can be an empathetic leader who shows empathy as a quality.

5.  Leaders don’t just emerge in a twinkling second or twilight, leaders are prepared for leadership. Preparation becomes imperative for one to assume into leadership position. Inclusive of the preparation is self discovery where you first gain mastery of yourself, know pro and con of your personal brand and train in line with the required skill set.

Just before you forget in haste: LEADERSHIP IS NOT A MARATHON IT’S A RELAY, SO PASS IT ON.

+(234) 809 944 8795
Twitter: Emmanuel_abiona

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