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Constantly we found ourselves at peak of war struggling with the challenges required to manage eventualities of life and its season. Every new dawn is a blank cheque divinely endowed us to determine its fate. We never determine its outlook until it’s expended at the close of each turnout. Hence, in a bid to balance the checks, the option of vision and planning comes in. Vision and planning help you put activities of tomorrow in order while still in today.
No force is powerful as these determinant factors that spells out in details what one tend to do even when such may lack how the day will look with its challenges. 

EVERY CHALLENGE IN LIFE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO STIR UP THE HIDDEN CHAMPION IN YOU. Inasmuch as the world still exists, there will always be time for new seasons; summer and winter, springtime and harvest. As those events unfold, each comes with its challenges and the way you manage them determines what you become in life. Cogitate: don’t ever make costly assumption or mistake of interpreting your destiny based on circumstances. Your destiny is never/ or will never be a function of life’s eventualities. Despite all odds, you must be resolute in getting beyond the knocked-out point, get up and keep moving

Here’s a principle of mine…“you become relevant in life when there is an understanding of bigger picture of functioning that you fit in”. You can't keep on living a floundering life void of purposeful living. Understanding this season and time will go a long mile in positioning us to operate effectively in a crucial dispensation where much is required from us. Erroneous mistake many make is that of procrastination, delaying urgent issues till the future. Amass of people have been struck with this termite which has made them run with ambitions borne out of fantasy. 

Now is the real time you need play the game right according to the rule. What is the rule? Doing the right thing at the right time and the right situation. My dad will further the rule with his slogan “doing things decently and in order”. This depicts the ‘Monochronic timing perspective’ where time is seen as a resources that need to be scheduled, committed to and objectively used. 

In our world today, we are perplexed on every side to always embark on new projects that have no worthwhile roles to complement in our lives and to humanity thereby living other projects abandoned. Don’t be in a haste to forget incomplete projects you’ve began, peradventure if it will lead to a successful you. Of what use will it be launching into new projects where you still have some abandoned projects lying fallow? 

Each of us has an ability to begin the creation of what we need from something that already exists. Just a little shift will help you put finishing touches to those projects. Never despise those little beginnings, for in them lies seeds of greatness. All great exploits we see around us did not just arrive in twilight –no Rome is ever built in a day.

Don’t be like a wheelbarrow, trailer or canoe that needs to be pushed, pulled or paddled to get anywhere. You must realize that you are either moving other people to decisions or they are moving you. Never wait for perfect conditions before you get things done, play the game right. Activate the response ability in you and others. Go the extra mile in achieving those worthwhile visions, give no room for murmuring or complain because failure in life is inexcusable.

Yield maximum output and productivity in life by understanding the seasons and timing because these are windows to greater opportunities that daily beckons on us. No improvement is so certain as that which proceeds from the right and timely use of what you already have. Make every moments of the day count. How fierce it might be you can still PLAY THE GAME RIGHT!

 emmanuel ABIONA

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